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Thursday, October 31, 2013
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Monday, September 9, 2013
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
and so you sit there, wondering what might have been.
you're pacing up and down thinking, maybe even talking to yourself about a situation that you want more than anything else to have another chance at.
until you realize that after all that pacing you're still alone and you want to scream at someone.
so what do you do? you find someone to scream at...
...well maybe not "scream" but you express yourself, with all your creativeness and stress and brilliance and everything that makes you "you".
so after all this you feel may feel more relaxed...
but you still really want to see an infant eat a ghost pepper.
you're pacing up and down thinking, maybe even talking to yourself about a situation that you want more than anything else to have another chance at.
until you realize that after all that pacing you're still alone and you want to scream at someone.
so what do you do? you find someone to scream at...
...well maybe not "scream" but you express yourself, with all your creativeness and stress and brilliance and everything that makes you "you".
so after all this you feel may feel more relaxed...
but you still really want to see an infant eat a ghost pepper.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Ну, его отрицательный пытаются
просто держать тебя за руку
хотя я не могу видеть вас
еще я понимаю, что
Вы ничем не отличаешься от меня ...
и мы оба работаем на вторник
и мы видели горизонт
и электрический свет мигает
в наших глазах ...
но вы говорите, что вы слишком отличается от меня
Да, ты слишком отличается от меня.
просто держать тебя за руку
хотя я не могу видеть вас
еще я понимаю, что
Вы ничем не отличаешься от меня ...
и мы оба работаем на вторник
и мы видели горизонт
и электрический свет мигает
в наших глазах ...
но вы говорите, что вы слишком отличается от меня
Да, ты слишком отличается от меня.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
minecraft horse
okay, so today i borrowed someone's horse. they were good horses, you know, the good ones with the good stuff. so, I shoved these horses in a wall and rode off with the horse I borrowed. however, during my travels i had gotten lost, and the horse committed suicide. so i bred the horses in the wall to make a new replacement for the dead horse. however, while i was raising this new horse, someone discovered the horses i had hidden in the wall... and slaughtered all living creatures (excluding humans) in the area. he even killed lightning, my cow. so trevor.
my now furious friend.
came to me and discovered that the evil man had killed all of the creatures.
so trevor began to take his gloves off, in preparation to fight the man who killed all creatures.
the man explained that the horses had been his inside of the wall, but was still responsible for the murder of every single other animal in the area.
trevor didn't care for the words this man had to say, for he was bloodthirsty, and the beast needed to be fed.
the first blow came to the murderer.
at this point, i just stood back and laughed at the mess i created.
i shouldn't have shoved the horses in the walls, nor let the other horse commit suicide.
the weaver in the web that he made.
anyway, moral of the story:
always decir la verdad
no, blake its something more like if you do something really funny, blog about it.
hahaha I bet you're laughing right now, wasn't this a funny post?
Written by JASON, and....
we hope you enjoyed our story!
hehe try and guess who wrote what sentence
*which sentence...
my now furious friend.
came to me and discovered that the evil man had killed all of the creatures.
so trevor began to take his gloves off, in preparation to fight the man who killed all creatures.
the man explained that the horses had been his inside of the wall, but was still responsible for the murder of every single other animal in the area.
trevor didn't care for the words this man had to say, for he was bloodthirsty, and the beast needed to be fed.
the first blow came to the murderer.
at this point, i just stood back and laughed at the mess i created.
i shouldn't have shoved the horses in the walls, nor let the other horse commit suicide.
the weaver in the web that he made.
anyway, moral of the story:
always decir la verdad
no, blake its something more like if you do something really funny, blog about it.
hahaha I bet you're laughing right now, wasn't this a funny post?
Written by JASON, and....
we hope you enjoyed our story!
hehe try and guess who wrote what sentence
*which sentence...
Thursday, July 11, 2013
one time
we had to write a poem
for English class
as an assignment
although i don't remember exactly what it read
or what it was about
i do remember that
at the end of the school year
my teacher walked up to me
and handed the poem back
and it wasn't until a
month later
when i noticed that
on the back
she had asked
if she could keep my poem.
we had to write a poem
for English class
as an assignment
although i don't remember exactly what it read
or what it was about
i do remember that
at the end of the school year
my teacher walked up to me
and handed the poem back
and it wasn't until a
month later
when i noticed that
on the back
she had asked
if she could keep my poem.
remember the future
he looked down at the little black book, that he had written so long before.
it read:
you need to clear away everything holding you where you still are. go out, make amends. the darkness has ended. now try. You're free, so try.
He put the book down, and sighed.
for so long, the phrase he heard in some obscured song, or on some random billboard; do what makes you happy, do what you know is right...
...were the only rules he lived by
but he had forgotten what happiness was.
and he no longer knew what was right.
and the book, that he held in his hands...
...the book had no meaning.
if he had read it maybe weeks before, then it possibly could have.
but now it meant nothing.
lost, in a haze of sadness.
no way to get out, other than what he knew
that didnt truly make him happy
and what he knew really was wrong...
... no longer did he weep
no longer did he feel
no longer did he laugh
or enjoy
it hurt, living a lie
he could only live a lie
for so long
you can only live for so long
in black and white
when you have a heart full of color.
his empty eyes
no longer filled with sadness
or regret
or any pain
or anything
at all
nothing, nothing at all
so he again picked up the little black book
filled with dreams, hopes, hate, and every thing he once felt
and he began to write
it read:
you need to clear away everything holding you where you still are. go out, make amends. the darkness has ended. now try. You're free, so try.
He put the book down, and sighed.
for so long, the phrase he heard in some obscured song, or on some random billboard; do what makes you happy, do what you know is right...
...were the only rules he lived by
but he had forgotten what happiness was.
and he no longer knew what was right.
and the book, that he held in his hands...
...the book had no meaning.
if he had read it maybe weeks before, then it possibly could have.
but now it meant nothing.
lost, in a haze of sadness.
no way to get out, other than what he knew
that didnt truly make him happy
and what he knew really was wrong...
... no longer did he weep
no longer did he feel
no longer did he laugh
or enjoy
it hurt, living a lie
he could only live a lie
for so long
you can only live for so long
in black and white
when you have a heart full of color.
his empty eyes
no longer filled with sadness
or regret
or any pain
or anything
at all
nothing, nothing at all
so he again picked up the little black book
filled with dreams, hopes, hate, and every thing he once felt
and he began to write
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
popol vuh
okay jason, dont forget that in the future, you have to go and buy the album Hosianna Mantra on vinyl.
okay jason? DONT forget.
and also ash ra temple, if you have extra money
okay jason? DONT forget.
and also ash ra temple, if you have extra money
Friday, July 5, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Monday, June 10, 2013
super fun water
Dear Mrs. Mc Kernan

the photo relates to physics because it shows potential energy of water. the photo also happens to be natural, for people naturally drink from water fountains all the time. and if that isn't enough of a reason to state it's natural, then i would also argue that water is floating in the air all the time! water floats in clouds, and in...
anyway, the water has potential energy, for it is in the air, ready to fall! not only does the water have potential, but also kinetic energy! for you see, the water is in motion, and therefore has kinetic energy. Also, as the water gets higher from the fountain, the potential energy increases, and the kinetic energy decreases. however, as the water begins to descend, the kinetic energy starts to increase, while the potential decreases.
there are also many unseen acts of physics in this photo, such as pressure, and work being done. However those are a lot less fun to talk about, so im not going to.
-Love Jason

the photo relates to physics because it shows potential energy of water. the photo also happens to be natural, for people naturally drink from water fountains all the time. and if that isn't enough of a reason to state it's natural, then i would also argue that water is floating in the air all the time! water floats in clouds, and in...
anyway, the water has potential energy, for it is in the air, ready to fall! not only does the water have potential, but also kinetic energy! for you see, the water is in motion, and therefore has kinetic energy. Also, as the water gets higher from the fountain, the potential energy increases, and the kinetic energy decreases. however, as the water begins to descend, the kinetic energy starts to increase, while the potential decreases.
there are also many unseen acts of physics in this photo, such as pressure, and work being done. However those are a lot less fun to talk about, so im not going to.
-Love Jason
Thursday, June 6, 2013
contrived photo representing nothing other than GRAVITY
Obviously this is gravity (I'm not flying):
Physics: as you can see, there's a lot of GRAVITY in this picture.
gravity is not only holding me to the ground, but also the akai professional electronic interface expander to the desk, which also happens to be held to the ground by nothing other than gravity. And you see the mirror in my hand? guess what's pulling it down towards earth as well? Gravity! And those audio mixers, the journey album, the speakers, and the akai synthesizers, are all affected by gravity. In fact, not only are they being pulled towards the earth, but also towards each other! it's amazing, is it not? And interestingly enough, each of those objects that you can possibly see in this photo all happen to be pulled down at earth at exactly 1G. Not only is the Earth pulling down on all those objects, but those objects also are pulling back up on the earth with an equal and opposite force. PHYSICS!!!
Physics: as you can see, there's a lot of GRAVITY in this picture.
gravity is not only holding me to the ground, but also the akai professional electronic interface expander to the desk, which also happens to be held to the ground by nothing other than gravity. And you see the mirror in my hand? guess what's pulling it down towards earth as well? Gravity! And those audio mixers, the journey album, the speakers, and the akai synthesizers, are all affected by gravity. In fact, not only are they being pulled towards the earth, but also towards each other! it's amazing, is it not? And interestingly enough, each of those objects that you can possibly see in this photo all happen to be pulled down at earth at exactly 1G. Not only is the Earth pulling down on all those objects, but those objects also are pulling back up on the earth with an equal and opposite force. PHYSICS!!!
Saturday, June 1, 2013
new rule
New rule: For now on, every time someone offers to buy me something i MUST accept.
is it not weird that peoples mistakes are remembered more often than their achievements. For example, if someone gets a question so horribly wrong in spanish class, its more likely you'll blog about it than if they had gotten it right. So go out! make mistakes and be remembered! remember, you cant make a bigger mistake than Hitler, so dont be afraid.
is it not weird that peoples mistakes are remembered more often than their achievements. For example, if someone gets a question so horribly wrong in spanish class, its more likely you'll blog about it than if they had gotten it right. So go out! make mistakes and be remembered! remember, you cant make a bigger mistake than Hitler, so dont be afraid.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
January 13th
and so you just keep walking, often times you stop for a little bit. but ultimately you just keep walking. YOU keep walking, however that never means that others do too, in fact, mostly everyone else other than YOU stop walking.
Gosh this screens really small.
now its too big.
anyway, recently my lifes been little more than...then.......
thÆn putting a finger representing a gun to my mouth, and setting up this false enigma around this cycle of endless epitaphs and sorrow.
so all in all lifes been kinda boring, sooooooooooo
im dead.
Gosh this screens really small.
now its too big.
anyway, recently my lifes been little more than...then.......
thÆn putting a finger representing a gun to my mouth, and setting up this false enigma around this cycle of endless epitaphs and sorrow.
so all in all lifes been kinda boring, sooooooooooo
im dead.
Friday, May 3, 2013
hope for happiness
just.. next time you feel like strutting down the sidewalk by the beach, or throwing rocks at bikers, just remember: there's someone who may, one-day, throw rocks at you. so all you can ever do, and ever hope for, is happiness. So that one day, someone might hope for happiness too. and you can sit there, together, and just hope. hope together.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
A is for AWAKE
He's written an A on his hand, so in the case that he ever forgets, he can always look down and remember...
i remember there was this one time that an ugly girl who looks like a fat pig stole my pen. This was at the beginning of the semester. However, recently, the same girl, with her red hair and too much make-up face, stole another one of my pens with her fat, stubby, pig arms. NOW, i must plot my revenge mwahahaha AHAHAHA
He's awake
or asleep... A stands for asleep too........
i remember there was this one time that an ugly girl who looks like a fat pig stole my pen. This was at the beginning of the semester. However, recently, the same girl, with her red hair and too much make-up face, stole another one of my pens with her fat, stubby, pig arms. NOW, i must plot my revenge mwahahaha AHAHAHA
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
the kid
the kid in front of me has curly hair and another has glasses and a green backpack and hehehe
jonny is sitting next to me and hes watching glade commercials and he has glasses and is wearing a cyan shirt.
jonny is sitting next to me and hes watching glade commercials and he has glasses and is wearing a cyan shirt.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
I hate this
I saw a video on yahoo that discussed the dangers of diet soda.
i hated it.
i didn't hate it because of what they were saying, but rather how they were saying it.
they said stuff such as, "Ya' know, you have these things on your back, and they're like acorns, and when you drink soda, they do bad things, but ya' know ya' really wanna do good things. Ya' know?"
its people like that that make me hate people..
"this is just us talking about this! we're talking abooout soooda. Ya' know Gurl fren'?"
"Diet soda is like, the new ciggs, ya' know? Its like, a total drag."
I hate people. especially those two girls on reluctantly healthy...
anyway my day! today i rode my bike and took a bath and played some music and ate some cake yuuuuum.
i hated it.
i didn't hate it because of what they were saying, but rather how they were saying it.
they said stuff such as, "Ya' know, you have these things on your back, and they're like acorns, and when you drink soda, they do bad things, but ya' know ya' really wanna do good things. Ya' know?"
its people like that that make me hate people..
"this is just us talking about this! we're talking abooout soooda. Ya' know Gurl fren'?"
"Diet soda is like, the new ciggs, ya' know? Its like, a total drag."
I hate people. especially those two girls on reluctantly healthy...
anyway my day! today i rode my bike and took a bath and played some music and ate some cake yuuuuum.
Monday, March 11, 2013
bird poopy
the guy on the computer next to me is looking at pictures of... bird poop...
anyway, my friend Trevor, who is applying for a job at Disneyland, did not receive a cool-aid straw attached to his cool-aid pouch. Oh, and also my teacher gave me a cutie.
And so, the sad librarian sat staring at nothing in particular, when he noticed an advertisement on his desktop. It read;
anyway, my friend Trevor, who is applying for a job at Disneyland, did not receive a cool-aid straw attached to his cool-aid pouch. Oh, and also my teacher gave me a cutie.
And so, the sad librarian sat staring at nothing in particular, when he noticed an advertisement on his desktop. It read;
Friday, March 8, 2013
and so, because i needed to get off campus, but did not have my I.D. card, i had to lie.
And so i walk up and show supervision my brothers I.D. and they say this isnt you and i say yes it is...
and this goes back and fourth until they ask me my name, so i say, Blake Williams, with all the confidence i have, and tell them the ID number..
anyway i was hit by a car within the few seconds of me lying to supervision, and walking away.
And then they found out, I was not in fact Blake Williams, and now i have a saturday school
And so i walk up and show supervision my brothers I.D. and they say this isnt you and i say yes it is...
and this goes back and fourth until they ask me my name, so i say, Blake Williams, with all the confidence i have, and tell them the ID number..
anyway i was hit by a car within the few seconds of me lying to supervision, and walking away.
And then they found out, I was not in fact Blake Williams, and now i have a saturday school
Thursday, March 7, 2013
today i dropped my pen.
today, i dropped
anyway if you took every single person on earth, shoved them all into L.A. and told them all to jump on the count of three.
nothing would happen
well it would be kinda loud...
anyway if you took every single person on earth, shoved them all into L.A. and told them all to jump on the count of three.
nothing would happen
well it would be kinda loud...
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Do you know what today is?
Quick! get the computer! Run! faster faster. mwaaahahaha but no i was here first.
it was foolish of you to ever think you would get here before me.
and, cool free sharpee pen.. but its broken.
and it smells like pot.
about a months ago, when the new semester started my previous teacher quit and our class was switched over to a new one. However, on the websight he set up for the class, he's still updating it as though we were all in his class, and nothing had changed. and he's still updating grades and assigning our assignments...
it was foolish of you to ever think you would get here before me.
and, cool free sharpee pen.. but its broken.
and it smells like pot.
about a months ago, when the new semester started my previous teacher quit and our class was switched over to a new one. However, on the websight he set up for the class, he's still updating it as though we were all in his class, and nothing had changed. and he's still updating grades and assigning our assignments...
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
and all the people...
descriptive writing. The OLD mad said in a SILLY voice...
"where have all my GOOD cookies gone?"
"where have all my GOOD cookies gone?"
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
one day, jimmy was walking down a street when HE DIED.
feeling feelings with our faces when our faces took a rest.
Slavery is bad because its bad to people and the people were mean heads and gjisadgAAAHHH
the young man walked towards his mothers grave. He put on his hood as the rain started to fall. for a minute he thought about turning back, and not to go visit his mothers grave.. so he stood in the cold rain, and contemplated what he was doing, and every thing he would rather do, other than go and visit his mothers grave. he took a minute to stand, and frowned, and turned away from the grave and walked back up the hill back towards where he parked his car... ....... .-- -.- ... --- -.
gee my lifes a funny thing. am i still too young?
feeling feelings with our faces when our faces took a rest.
Slavery is bad because its bad to people and the people were mean heads and gjisadgAAAHHH
the young man walked towards his mothers grave. He put on his hood as the rain started to fall. for a minute he thought about turning back, and not to go visit his mothers grave.. so he stood in the cold rain, and contemplated what he was doing, and every thing he would rather do, other than go and visit his mothers grave. he took a minute to stand, and frowned, and turned away from the grave and walked back up the hill back towards where he parked his car... ....... .-- -.- ... --- -.
gee my lifes a funny thing. am i still too young?
aaaaaaaallllllllll NIGHT!
Monday, January 14, 2013
rocket physics.
1) why can't you just use air to launch the rocket?!2) why wouldn't just water be acceptable either?!
3) how are newtons laws involved in this whole thing??
4) whats the best combination of water and air?!
5) what is the best angle to launch the rocket at!?
6) whats the role that fins play??
7) whats the best number of fins?
8) what affect will the wind have?
9) what can i do to my rocket to give it the most air resistance?
10) does the size of my rocket change the outcome?
11) how does the mass change the outcome???
12) where is the very best place to place the fins?
13) are fixed fins better than loose? or free moving?
14) what would a longer body add to the rockets stability?
15) would it be better if the fins made it spiral?
16) does a longer nose matter?
17) a parachute wouldn't really help, would it????
18) how would it be possible to make my rocket 'glide'?
19) what is the very best way to protect my eggs?
20) what did you learn from all our launches Mr. long??
making of the rocket;
day one
at first, i had no idea where to start. all i knew was i needed tape, an egg, and two bottles. and so, that's all i started with, and after about an hour of cutting and taping, I had created something that resembled a crude rocket, but of course it was still missing wings. And so, my adventure continued as i searched for the perfect wing design and material. After hours of searching the internet, I concluded that the best material to construct my wings, and the only material that i had around, would be cardboard. I then looked at designs for wings, and wing placement. I concluded that all of the best crafts had wings in an 'X' form, but still i made it in more of a 'Y' shape.
oh, and also bullets are better than cones, thats why bullets are bullets. And thats also why my rockets a bullet. i achieved this bullet form by using an apple container, and a substational amount of chrome ducktape.
oh, and also bullets are better than cones, thats why bullets are bullets. And thats also why my rockets a bullet. i achieved this bullet form by using an apple container, and a substational amount of chrome ducktape.
day two
After my first launch, it was obvious that something was wrong. My previous form of egg protection, bubble wrap, was adequate, but the weight distribution had caused my rocket to plummet towards the ground at around 10 meters, which was not acceptable. I needed to come up with a solution to protect my egg, but redistribute the weight all at the same time. and i needed a solution fast, for the second launch date was approaching quickly. As I paced the room, an idea came to my while eating my rice crispies. Use the cereal as protection! It would put the weight exactly where i needed it! and protect the egg all at the same time! Then after some retaping, with my new chrome tape, my rocket had been reconstructed, and was ready for three
after my second launch, everything seemed to be exactly how it should be. my rocket went an outstanding 70 meters, and the egg remained unscathed. I felt no need to alter anything, for I had done my job in constructing a rocket that could both protect my egg, and travel a distance of thirty meters.
how this all works!
well, what happens is water shoots out, pushing on the rocket, causing it to propel forward.egg protection plan.
my egg protection plan was simple, rice crispies and ducktape. First, i made sure that the nose of the rocket was as soft at possible, so the as much of the energy as possible would be lost in the time it took for the nose to compact and whatnot. secondly, was the rice crispies. lots and lots of rice crispies. I made sure, that the egg would have no possible way to make a sudden stop, and crack. so i spent appropriate amount of time making sure i had enough crispies to prevent the egg from hitting the inside of the rocket, but not so much that it didn't have a chance to slow down at all. fortunately i got it exactly right, for the egg did not crack in any launch.results
egg live the through aaaallll the launches. the distance for the first launch, was, unfortunately, less than thirty. the second launch, was 70 meters, and the third, was a mere thirty meters. the angle for the first launch was 50 degrees. the second and third were both at 45. and i believe the water for all of my launches was 750 ml.I came to conclusion that 45 degrees would be the best angle for my final launch because well, i knew 45 would be the best with no air, im sure almost everyone knows that. and i didnt believe it would be going far enough to make too much of a difference, so i just went with 45. And the reason i did not go with the previous 50 that i used, was because i was afraid it would catch too much wind and be pushed back by it. And the 750 ml, well i took that by looking at previous data, from years past. all of the rockets that went the furthest had around 750 ml of water in them.
what i learned through all this is, bullets are much better than cones, that wind plays a major effect in how well the rockets launch, and most importantly, dont wait to the last minute to write blog posts...
Friday, January 11, 2013
the shirt
i dont want to wear a jacket because then no one could see my awesome shirt. but its too cold to not wear a jacket.
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