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Monday, July 2, 2012


i woke up, i felt my blanket wrapped around my feet and the carpet against my back. i looked up towards the ceiling and saw that it was simulating about 7:30 AM. i kicked off the blanket and stood up. i went to my closet, grabbed my yellow jumpsuit, and put it on. i went over to my mirror, fixed my hair, brushed my teeth, and headed down towards the food hall. on my way, i walked passed the great computer. looking through the glass, i saw in the massive, dimly lit room the giant, all knowing, great computer. i stopped to examine it, something was different about it. her eyes and mouth were still closed, she was still sleeping, but something was off. i assumed it had to do with the lighting, and proceeded to to food hall. as i was walking down i noticed something, there were not as many holographic ads as there normally were, and there was no staff walking as well. all there was was an occasional tutorial droid for people new to the system. as i approached the food hall, i noticed that the glass, which was usually red, was not blue, and that the massive door to the food hall was now red instead of gray. I didn't think this alone was strange, but what i did think was strange was that there was only one ad projecting into the hall. this almost never happens, in fact, you usually never see the same ad twice in one day. there are so many different ads that you begin to not even take notice to them. but here, there are hundreds of the same ad all projecting out into the hall. they all said the exact same message in red and white, "COME SEE THE SHOW". I assumed that its was a glitch that the same ad was being projected everywhere, so i just moved them out of my way, and opened the door to the food hall.
The food hall, being the only place in the entire simulation where you see anyone that's not staff or a robot, changes constantly to fit the over all mood of the people being tested in the simulation. the food hall is not just a place to eat, its the place where you are tested, receive your grades on your tests, and where you see the overall performance of the simulation. generally, the colours of the wall are red and blue, because those are the 'national' colours of the simulation, and everyone is generally in a good mood. the worse the mood, the darker the colours get, the better, the brighter. today, they were almost white because the week before, we won a 'war'.
we all know we're in a simulation. the point of the simulation is not to win wars or become the greatest country though, it is simply to survive. well, its not the kind of survive where you have to stay alive, if it were like that everyone would stay in their cell. the object is to live life, but still keep in contact with reality. if you stop realizing that you're in a simulation, then you louse, the computer opens her eyes, and you wake up, get paid for testing their simulation, and go back to reality. the longer you stay in the simulation, however, the more you get paid. also, the more active you become, the more you get paid. everyone's simulation is different, except for the food hall, and major events, such as the recent war, or the re-election... or at least they all say that the simulation is the same in the food hall, i could never tell if i was actually interacting with other people, or if it was more of the simulation... I've also learned to not care about it anymore, and just go through the simulation normally, without thinking if im actually talking to real people. its weird to think about but i find it necessary, otherwise you'll go insane thinking about it, so i just assume no ones real. oh, i almost forgot, you also get paid by the greatness of the 'nation' that you live through. if they feel like the nation is great because of you, you get paid a lot more than if they feel like you ruined everything. i guess the point is to become the greatest in a way...
i know im in a simulation, but opening the food hall doors and finding that the colours decorating the walls are nearly white, but the room being entirely empty is strange... and even stranger, the room is filled with the same ad...
the room was filled with the same red and white ad. the only other thing in the room other than the ads, was one man in a black suit, staring at me, beckoning me over.
the only time anyone ever mentions a man in a black suit is when they have nearly forgotten that they live in a simulation, then they start to rant about how they keep seeing  a man in a black suit. well i know very well im in a simulation, and i intend to keep it like that...
i walk over to the man, and as i do, the walls turn from nearly white, to gray, to black. 
as i get close enough to the man, i can see its not a man at all, but a computer... or, at least he has the same face as the computer... i get even closer, and i see that it is in fact the same face as the computer, just without flesh and wires. the man, or... i guess hes a she now.... she extends her hand and says in a soft voice, 'its time to go home'. i almost take her hand, but then i realize what is about to happen. turn and run. i dont know how to react, so i just keep screaming "ITS A SIMULATION!" "ITS NOT REAL!" 
but the computer just responds with "then why are you running?" 

i dont know what to do, or where to go. i dont even know whats happening. today started off normal... well i woke up normally... all i know is there are these annoying ads and i feel like im about to throw up..  

i just got extremely dizzy... theres only one thing i can think of... see the show, see the show... 
i decided to do something I've never done before... 
i need to get away from the computer, i need to get away from the computer...

i keep running. im running out of places to run to. 
theres only one place left... 
all the portals are closed
all the doors are locked
except for one
its time, to see the show...

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