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Wednesday, July 25, 2012


if you're writing anything, and you use VAC, in it, you're going to sound smart. Everyone knows they've heard VAC before, but no one knows what it means, so thats where you take advantage of people lack of knowledge. For example, if you're writing an essay, you can hide VAC into you're essay by starting each sentence with first a V, then the next with an A, then finally a C. people will just read you're work and think of how smart you are. Or, if you're writing a story, you can put VAC into details such as, BOBBY WAS WALKING DOWN THE HALL AND THERE WAS A SIGN THAT SAID VAC ON IT. not only did you just assume bobby was very smart, had glasses, and brown hair, but you also imagined a futuristic setting. there are many words like VAC that can make you sound smart, or even dumb if you want..
One of them, is THE SUMMER OLYMPICS OF 2012!!!! the other to sound REALLY dumb is literary. 

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