Shamgar, son of Anath. He killed six hundred Philistines with an ox goad. shamgar may very well be among the coolest people ever. oh, by the way, an ox goad is a stick.
today i was going to go on an adventure, but i got vertigo, so im going to write about the adventure i had last week.... no im not, im going to make up a story.
last week on Marten Luther King Jr.'s birthday or what ever, me, my brother, and my favorite person EMALY!!! AHAHAHA!!! went on a quest to find a record, more specifically, the final cut. so off we went, first we went to the "lab", and all they had was some cool t-shirts, a phonograph, and some broken accordions....anddddddd a record store! but it was closed so we moved on, eventually i won my record by fighting a giant and trading its heart for the album.
i also drew a picture of a bear. see:
i actually stole this pic, the website i got it from had a warning not to share any of the pictures because they want us to pay money to look at their art. the ironic thing was they put the image on google and made it so i can copy the image and put it on my blog, thanks for being stupid website. either that or im very good at drawing.
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