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Sunday, February 12, 2012


got back from winter camp today, but just barely.
Saturday evening; Drew, Jon, Alex, Steven, Anton, and others, were all living happily in our cabin, that is, until Steven decided to see what would happen if he blew out our pilot light. i tried to stop him, but he was too fast, he blew out the light, and right as he did, all the light turned red and a siren went off. everyone was in panic, except for me. i tried to keep Drew under control, but it was all too much for him, he ended up running into a bedpost and passing out. Anton and Steven were both too shocked to do more than move and Jon and Alex were both fast asleep. it was up to me. i quickly walked over to the control panel and slowly turned off the gas, but as i did, the floor turned into... LAVA! quickly i got Steven and Anton to safety. but I'd forgotten that Alex was sleeping on the floor. he died. ...but there i was, on the edge of the bed, the gas was still building up and we were all using our last breaths of oxygen. i knew i had to make a desperate move to save us. i quickly ran across the lava, burning off my legs, and then crawled to the phone and a directory. my hands were shaking and i was trying to find a number i could call for help, my heart was pounding, i knew that my friends lives rested in my hands. at this point, my eyes were starting to burn from the gas leak, and my lungs felt as though they were on fire, but i had to call for help. i kept searching for a number, but i was getting toward the end of the directory, and i was running out of time. then FINALLY i found a number on the last page, my eyes burned trying to read it, but i managed to make out the numbers, it read: in case of Steven blowing out the pilot light dial 9-1-1. i read it out loud but then...
...Jon woke up and yelled at me for being stupid and told me to shut up.
i wasn't even the one who said the ground was lava, all Jon told ME to shut up... blablablabla i didn't do anything.
also it was really Anton who blew out the light. im sorry steven

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