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Monday, April 9, 2012


today, is not easter, but it is the day after easter.
today, is also the day where you run out of candy that you bought yourself to not feel lonely on easter.
today, is also the day where you go to the record store and buy a supertramp album with Emaly Hunter.
today, is also the day where you go home, watch twilight, and fall asleep during the movie
today, is also the day where you go to the dentist and take their gum
today, is also the day where you try and upload the pictures from easter and make a witty post, but you can't because your stupid i-phone sucks because apple can't keep consistent software are is incapable of making a universal and easily compatible picture file, so you have to go to the apple store and either buy a 2,000 dollar Mac or, buy 100 dollar software, which wont work because you built your PC to run normally, and because apple still cant make an adequate compatibility system, they force you to spend 2,000 dollars to convert to their stupid picture file, which you just convert back to the normal picture file because you want to upload it to your stupid blog, but you dont want to use a mac because macs suck, and iTunes sucks, and it asks for an update every other second, and you're listening to jethro tull and you're on acid, and your girlfriend is trying to play guitar, but she can't because your house is on fire, so you go get sticky notes and put them on stevens door asking him to go light the pentagon on fire and you still cant afford a mac so you go to a bank and steal monies to go buy whatever it is you wanted to buy, but you forgot, so you just buy another supertramp album, but this time, its a picture disk, and you put it next to your pink floyd picture disc, and its all happy, except your house is STILL on fire, and you still need to upload Easter pictures onto your blog, but you cant because you don't have a cable to connect your iphone to your computer because it broke because apple SUCKS because they are still incapable of doing anything right, how could they put one of the TWO STUPID BUTTONS on the wrong side, they were doing so well but they had to screw up one of the only two buttons, in case you cant tell by now, i have no clue what im doin, ad i congeasjdskdlgsdf
i really need to upload those Easter pictures...


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