three things happened today, four if you count eating cookies.
THE SECOND THING THAT HAPPENED TODAY, was the moronic leprechaun who sits behind me in me class got in an argument with himself on how Obama is destroying America because he's for gay marriage. His logic, was that we have not had any "politically correct" presidents until Obama, and that Obama being too "politically correct" is destroying our country. He also stated, that if we lower our military budget at all, then Russia is going to bomb us, and the world is going to "Fu***** destroy us"... My question for him was, who? who is going to try and go to war with us? and of course his response was China, and Israel...
i wish i could say he didn't really say that... but he did. he also said that Washington D.C. is in New York.
AND THE THIRD THING THAT HAPPENED TODAY, was i ate a REALLY big cookie. take the size of that stick of butter thats next to you, and multiply that by 1/3 of how old your great great grandmas pet fish is, and thats about how big my cookie was in graves, which is the same as a kilogram.
and the fourth is i got my license
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