the girl walks after the day, although the day her day is never really over, and steps into her mirrored shower. she turns on the cold water, so the steam would not ruin the reflection of the mirror, and closes her eyes. for a moment only, she feels at peace, that her world has come together and everything is just 'right'. She opens her eyes; too soon, she can see her makeup being washed off her face like black and blue tears. she stairs at her own reflection and begins to weep. how could she have let her life come to this? she asks herself out loud, "how did i get here?", and begins to think of her life before, before it happened. but what has changed really?
but somewhere, there is a boy, who feels like he has failed. he feels as though that for the moment that the burdens of life, not just his, but everyone's, were on his shoulders, he failed.
well its all because he talked to himself.
so did the girl.
don't talk to yourself you creepy schizophrenic.
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Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
prop 29
i think we should take everyone stupid, and kill them.
now you may be asking yourself 'well im not stupid, i dont want to die'
well here, if you were smart you would have noticed that that was not a question at all, but something entirely different. also, if you cannot read this:
then you're stupid, and im probably going to kill you.
also, you may have noticed that those are questions, but its too late, you're dead.
anyways, prop 29 is...
now you may be asking yourself 'well im not stupid, i dont want to die'
well here, if you were smart you would have noticed that that was not a question at all, but something entirely different. also, if you cannot read this:
then you're stupid, and im probably going to kill you.
also, you may have noticed that those are questions, but its too late, you're dead.
anyways, prop 29 is...
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
all quiet on the western front
today, as i was watching this movie, and there was a guy, and there was a war.
anyways, there were machine guns shooting people, and i thought to myself, "dont shoot, you might hurt them."
also today, i drew a colourful picture of a rainbow unicorn on fire attacking the lettuce people.
anyways, there were machine guns shooting people, and i thought to myself, "dont shoot, you might hurt them."
also today, i drew a colourful picture of a rainbow unicorn on fire attacking the lettuce people.
Monday, May 28, 2012
the concert
old drunk lady: who do you think has the best voice of all time?
me: freddie mercury
old lady: no...
me: freddie mercury
old lady: no, whose that guy from that one band...
me: freddie mercury
old lady: i cant remember his name, i think hes in...
me: freddie mercury, hes in Queen. freddie mercury
Old lady: no... i think hes in...
me: freddie mercury, hes in queen...
Old lady: i think hes in Queen... whats his name?
Me: freddie mercury
old lady: i think his name is... Freddie... something...
Me: freddie mercury
old lady: Freddie mercury! thats it! he has the best voice of all time, don't you agree?
Me: no, i think its Robert Plant...
true story
Sunday, May 27, 2012
ok, i came up with the awesome idea to steal what news websights and popular videos on youtube are saying, so that when those things are searched, my blog will come up, and i get more views, and i feel better about myself...

For Berget's immediate i dont want to get in trouble for pauperism...i hate spell check, i dont even know what "pauperism" means... his fate is somewhat familiar. He is the OVER NINE THOUSAND member of the clan to be sentenced to the Mormon book of Mormon. His older car was convicted in in killing 1987 babies for his car. Dr. feeeel gooood spent 13 years on poop towns row until his execution in 2000 at age 39. i always cry when people die
Two brothers, two death sentences
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) —poop face lives in a single cell on poop town's death row, never sleep,keep children as PETS, raise dogs, race rats... in the tiny room where he awaits execution for big fancy work...something, a prison guard to death with a gun during an attempted escape.
well, i need to get a new phone...
Saturday, May 26, 2012
the trial
i didnt post yesterday because i was hunting retards.
yesterday, there was a retarded kid running yelling "NINE!"...
either that or KEIN!!! neither make much sense though.
today, i saved the world from the evils of evil
two days ago, i hate everything right now. well, not EVERYTHING, just a LOT of things. so.....
im going to kill you all, well, just most of you.
yesterday, there was a retarded kid running yelling "NINE!"...
either that or KEIN!!! neither make much sense though.
today, i saved the world from the evils of evil
two days ago, i hate everything right now. well, not EVERYTHING, just a LOT of things. so.....
im going to kill you all, well, just most of you.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
im sorry there haven't been many words, im afraid i've lost them.
yesterday, we started to paint a library, my friends and i.
we had a swell time, and my friends and and finished the job in a matter of hours.
my friends and i.
then we went home and we play a nice game of chess, i lost. i always lose.
anyways, my friends and i had a very interesting conversation about how we all got here, as it turns out, i was the only one out of my friends and i who had the slightest idea, and even i'm not too sure.
yesterday, we started to paint a library, my friends and i.
we had a swell time, and my friends and and finished the job in a matter of hours.
my friends and i.
then we went home and we play a nice game of chess, i lost. i always lose.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
im thinking of a number...
it was 123,129,083,592,359,013.1234576345/p
you suck at this game...
anyways, today, i saved the world from the evils of canned food by flying into the sun
it was 123,129,083,592,359,013.1234576345/p
you suck at this game...
anyways, today, i saved the world from the evils of canned food by flying into the sun
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
i think... i must be
today, Amy came home.
lovely to see you again my friend.
today, i drew a picture of the guy sitting across from me. i also drew a picture of the girl sitting across from me.
i also drew a picture of the "rat man" sitting across from me.
today, i turned into sand. today, i took the STAR test, but because I'm in in stupid people classes, i was the only one who took it seriously, so i had to test while i was in a class filled with people drooling on themselves and throwing poop. so now i you can see why i wanted to draw pictures of them, im not the weird one here.
also, Emaly wore the pink floyd shirt i gave her....
but she also beat me at chess.
lovely to see you again my friend.
today, i drew a picture of the guy sitting across from me. i also drew a picture of the girl sitting across from me.
i also drew a picture of the "rat man" sitting across from me.
today, i turned into sand. today, i took the STAR test, but because I'm in in stupid people classes, i was the only one who took it seriously, so i had to test while i was in a class filled with people drooling on themselves and throwing poop. so now i you can see why i wanted to draw pictures of them, im not the weird one here.
also, Emaly wore the pink floyd shirt i gave her....
but she also beat me at chess.
Monday, May 21, 2012
today i saw a possum
1231253632698312873871648762384723985718475178459174565465468565126565651168468987216854651468464651354164533354654698546513213215465465846435132154687465313216546546874354564899989897965465232132132123122345676543456765463489384389438029739534785987649287346982734629873462987346283794629374626462343263428328832432487347873828928288288888828282888888882828888888282888888882828888888272777772726266626256555242444423322222232323232345678312323212123212121521212513365564325635435546345332156321343554534453534456854346554368457638458475983655434635434365143435213354153351435613435563445533545436544565344563432152314352133251332415321453212332143221341223321322314322134524346524346524346543465564645456654456654456564598677598677598677985677589677985677896778905893021832901382910328190321328717328913219321632165215343214452192318325162073014502305254152354356454435643425463445546354654546455464354654546546545412341234123343213442134321343456412435442146456443145454f555523464654sd65465465h465465gh4j456gf65ghgfhgfhfdsnjhdfderrrjrjrjjriosdjfkdsajgadfgkj sdfjj idsjakad fj uigdfj dkv f g g g fg fh fg t h hgfjkddfklf ljk ljkdfssdf df sdfs dfs dfs sdf dsf dfsdfs dsf dfsdfs sdf sdf sdfsdf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 00 0 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 1 0 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 10 1 0 1 0 01 00 01 01 10 10 01 1 01 10 01 01 01 01 01 01 0101 01 011 0 10 01 01 0101 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 22 2 23 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 454 455 5 6 6 6 77 7 8 8 8 9 9898989 5 0 5xd32fi784983274732yrh3fgukyfysdfkgasdjvsdya8o7aehvuefuhuhgowhtyug3ughiu6 t23re76afg236yg2h367uyh psh
ahhhhhhhhhhh hahahaha
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today i saw a possum :)
ahhhhhhhhhhh hahahaha
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112233445as5dda6sdfs6g7assad7fasd8gadfsg8FSA9Dsd9sfdsdf 1010 212121221212212121212SDSDSDDSDSDSDSDSdsDSSDSdDsDSSDsDSdSDdsdssSDSSDgfGSDFgFhfgFGJgFsdjasaASaSsdFFgDFSDFDFHJKJASDJKASDSDH HJK KH K BKJ D DJJSUSSSUUSSUAJAHAXSUSUSUUSSUAHAA87878787*&888787878787878887878798987989879*798798&9898&98798&98798&98798&98798&987(*79*&98&98798&*(98&987(87(*7987*7*7645^&8999999932212 2 12 12 32 321231 213 231122211133311122211144411122211155511122211166611122211177711122211188811199911119991119991111999191499119194191919191919959199955926656546853614654654
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today i saw a possum :)
Sunday, May 20, 2012
adventurer's log #2
sorry i didn't post yesterday, i was sick...
and at a concert...all day...
and i was sick
anyways, all day yesterday, i was waiting in a bright white room, with no windows, and no doors. just an ugly green shag carpet... and a mysterious yellow stain...on the ceiling
ok... that pretty sums up yesterday
and at a concert...all day...
and i was sick
anyways, all day yesterday, i was waiting in a bright white room, with no windows, and no doors. just an ugly green shag carpet... and a mysterious yellow stain...on the ceiling
ok... that pretty sums up yesterday
adventurers log #3
what? two posts in one day? how can this be?!!!?!1?
story summary because im too lazy to write a story:
mental kid gets a new tutor.
the tutor is pretty.
mental kid falls in love with tutor.
tutor dies in car crash.
mental kid starts killing his black friends.
story summary because im too lazy to write a story:
mental kid gets a new tutor.
the tutor is pretty.
mental kid falls in love with tutor.
tutor dies in car crash.
mental kid starts killing his black friends.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Adventurers Log #1
today, i found out that im being drafted in another week or so, so......... yeah
im also starting an Adventurers log, so when i go on adventures, you can all reeeeeaaaaaad them.
yeah, im also being forced to wear yellow because, well its the law now. i hate yellow.
i also hate my brothers friends who want me to get off the computer because their stupid because now their reaching for my guitar because...
im killing someone
im also starting an Adventurers log, so when i go on adventures, you can all reeeeeaaaaaad them.
yeah, im also being forced to wear yellow because, well its the law now. i hate yellow.
i also hate my brothers friends who want me to get off the computer because their stupid because now their reaching for my guitar because...
im killing someone
Thursday, May 17, 2012
the interwebz
according to the internet, my future husbands name is "Paul Chris Mike".
and i made a video of me and other people
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
I... i played RUNESCAPE
today, i saw a yellow Volkswagen Bug. there were a bunch of old ladies in the car, and they all had matching yellow hats, and whatever else old ladies wear. it was disgusting, so i decided no to go to school and follow them. as i was following them, they stopped at an In-N-Out, and got food. they ate the food. i then became impatient and killed them.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Mind Bottling....
By: Emaly Hunter
"Sounds like a personal problem" <-- my new favorite line :)
YEAH! today was good..have you ever had that feeling when your mind is Bottled??
...if you dont know what that means here -->
Monday, May 14, 2012
jamba juice
today, i went to jamba juice, but thats not important. whats important is what i did before i went to jamba juice.
which involves me finding my old video camera and using it for the first time. that also involves recording a video of a man eating bread in his car, a person who looked like santa, people in a coffee shop, and to end it, i told the people at jamba juice i was from New Zealand and thats why i was taking video of people, so they wouldn't think i was a freak.
i have downs syndrome...
today, i went to jamba juice, but thats not important. whats important is what i did before i went to jamba juice.
which involves me finding my old video camera and using it for the first time. that also involves recording a video of a man eating bread in his car, a person who looked like santa, people in a coffee shop, and to end it, i told the people at jamba juice i was from New Zealand and thats why i was taking video of people, so they wouldn't think i was a freak.
i have downs syndrome...
Sunday, May 13, 2012
...wrong password...
anyways, i got a new vinyl, but its warped
i also think its not that big of a deal for....
i cant think of how to finish my sentences...
anyways, i got a new vinyl, but its warped
i also think its not that big of a deal for....
i cant think of how to finish my sentences...
Saturday, May 12, 2012
the balance
Warriors of the Rainbow...
...were people who defended the old wise woman named "eyes of fire" from the time where pollution would spread and give disease. it was the rainbow men's job to create a New world of justice, peace, freedom,and recognition of the great spirit. the men would run around and spread messages of Elohi, and the way to the spirit.
but, there was a race of dark rainbow men. they were called dark rainbow men. their purpose was to spread discomfort and awkwardness. they did not do this because they had to, but because they were jealous of the warmth the warriors of the rainbow gave off to their surroundings.
eventually mother nature became sick of something, so she sent out the warriors of the rainbow to stop the dark rainbow men from doing bad stuff. warriors of the rainbow men then started to seek out the mystical
To-Ne-Gi for guidance.once they found him, the power of all the plants, and all the animals became one being, the "Great Spirit". the rivers began to run clear again, the pollution vanished, the the world became in harmony with live, the universe, and everything. the poor sick and the needy became wealthy, healthy and the needy became aware and wise. the knowledge of knowledge became preserved, and life was in balance.
...were people who defended the old wise woman named "eyes of fire" from the time where pollution would spread and give disease. it was the rainbow men's job to create a New world of justice, peace, freedom,and recognition of the great spirit. the men would run around and spread messages of Elohi, and the way to the spirit.
but, there was a race of dark rainbow men. they were called dark rainbow men. their purpose was to spread discomfort and awkwardness. they did not do this because they had to, but because they were jealous of the warmth the warriors of the rainbow gave off to their surroundings.
eventually mother nature became sick of something, so she sent out the warriors of the rainbow to stop the dark rainbow men from doing bad stuff. warriors of the rainbow men then started to seek out the mystical
To-Ne-Gi for guidance.once they found him, the power of all the plants, and all the animals became one being, the "Great Spirit". the rivers began to run clear again, the pollution vanished, the the world became in harmony with live, the universe, and everything. the poor sick and the needy became wealthy, healthy and the needy became aware and wise. the knowledge of knowledge became preserved, and life was in balance.
the warriors of the rainbow then became love, and rested.
and while they rested
they took to themselves an orange,
and tasted it,
and it was good.
and they felt the earth to their spine,
and one asked, as he saw the tree above him, and the stars,
and the veins in the leaf,
and the light, and the balance.
and he saw magnificent perfection,
whereon he thought of himself in balance,
and he knew he was.
Friday, May 11, 2012
i have a life guys. i do things sometimes.
but more importantly, im now immortal.
...and did you know that "guess what?" is a question?
anyways, today i made a suit out of old basket balls i stole from my neighbour. its a really cool suit, and it shoots little smaller suites out of its eye holes. im so cool. heres a picture:
thats not just a picture of a man with a rainbow, it has some significance to some religion somewhere at some point in time. i don't know when or where because, well its not important enough to know. all i know is that it has something to do with a bear and a man named rainbow or something.
but more importantly, im now immortal.
...and did you know that "guess what?" is a question?
anyways, today i made a suit out of old basket balls i stole from my neighbour. its a really cool suit, and it shoots little smaller suites out of its eye holes. im so cool. heres a picture:
thats not just a picture of a man with a rainbow, it has some significance to some religion somewhere at some point in time. i don't know when or where because, well its not important enough to know. all i know is that it has something to do with a bear and a man named rainbow or something.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
yesterday's tomorrow
today i ran so fast i left before i started to run.
yesterday i pulled up so hard on my chair i started to float.
two days ago i held up two magnets, one higher than the other and then i started to fly.
but THREE days ago, i taped a laser pointer to my dogs head
yesterday i pulled up so hard on my chair i started to float.
two days ago i held up two magnets, one higher than the other and then i started to fly.
but THREE days ago, i taped a laser pointer to my dogs head
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
the moody blues
"is there anybody out there?"
Part II
i will see it grow, through your eyes.
walking, waiting, wondering, where we came.
and why we are still,
waiting for the same, lying for minutes.
because we've been the same days
for hours....
Part III
...and hours, and hours, and hours.
and never without a hope, im coming home....
speed, tired over the shadow
frightened screams of the future without
a purpose, im still coming home.
ohhhhh, im coming home....
the shaky, unrested, and the millions.
the gypsies and the jews.
and always without a hope
flying away from what is right,
and leading down always from
a flight, just listen o'er the hills.
speeding through the the shadow.
im coming home
im coming home
im still coming home
Part IV
"this was all just an excuse, and now please excuse this"
what would you find, there?
what did you fear?
what did you know?
what did you go?
what is this, where is this, where am i, what am i.
"am i in the inside looking out? or the outside looking in?
or even the inside looking in...?"
"is there anybody out there?"
Part II
i will see it grow, through your eyes.
walking, waiting, wondering, where we came.
and why we are still,
waiting for the same, lying for minutes.
because we've been the same days
for hours....
Part III
...and hours, and hours, and hours.
and never without a hope, im coming home....
speed, tired over the shadow
frightened screams of the future without
a purpose, im still coming home.
ohhhhh, im coming home....
the shaky, unrested, and the millions.
the gypsies and the jews.
and always without a hope
flying away from what is right,
and leading down always from
a flight, just listen o'er the hills.
speeding through the the shadow.
im coming home
im coming home
im still coming home
Part IV
"this was all just an excuse, and now please excuse this"
what would you find, there?
what did you fear?
what did you know?
what did you go?
what is this, where is this, where am i, what am i.
"am i in the inside looking out? or the outside looking in?
or even the inside looking in...?"
Monday, May 7, 2012
the blog
so much happened today...
when i was riding my bike, i saw a small child who was struggling to carry his poster board that he obviously spent many hours on. it took everything in my not to push him over.
i watched lord of the rings for the 3rd time today...
i got in a fight today...
i watched people get in a fight....
so what happened was they were in the lunch line, and this ( THIS KID & THIS KID) retarded kid just turns around and punches the kid behind him in the face.
the kid that got punched freaked out and tackled the retard... he had the retard pinned down and was about to punch his face in, when he realized what he was about to do was wrong, and that he shouldn't punch his face in, not just because he's a retard, but because of how clueless the kid was, he was looking off into space humming to himself while he was pinned down...
...or at least, thats the kids excuse for being late to class and having a black eye...
when i was riding my bike, i saw a small child who was struggling to carry his poster board that he obviously spent many hours on. it took everything in my not to push him over.
i watched lord of the rings for the 3rd time today...
i got in a fight today...
i watched people get in a fight....
so what happened was they were in the lunch line, and this ( THIS KID & THIS KID) retarded kid just turns around and punches the kid behind him in the face.
the kid that got punched freaked out and tackled the retard... he had the retard pinned down and was about to punch his face in, when he realized what he was about to do was wrong, and that he shouldn't punch his face in, not just because he's a retard, but because of how clueless the kid was, he was looking off into space humming to himself while he was pinned down...
...or at least, thats the kids excuse for being late to class and having a black eye...
Sunday, May 6, 2012
the store
i found a shopping centre with a gardening shop, a thrift store, and a mexican market all next to each other... what my friends ans i do is go there, and one of us finds someone, draws them, and everyone else looks at the picture and tries to find them. if they do find them, the guy who drew the picture has to steal the first small child they find. if whoever was drawn leaves either the market, thrift store, or gardening supply store before we find them, then we have to get tattoos of butterflies or our forehead.
its generally a very hard game because all mexicans look alike, and sometimes whoever drew the picture forgets exactly who he drew. what my friends ans i do is go there, and one of us finds someone, draws them, and everyone else looks at the picture and tries to find them. if they do find them, the guy who drew the picture has to steal the first small child they find. if whoever was drawn leaves either the market, thrift store, or gardening supply store before we find them, then we have to get tattoos of butterflies or our forehead.
its generally a very hard game because all mexicans look alike, and sometimes whoever drew the picture forgets exactly who he drew.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
shutup, im playing zelda
im so bored.
today, i went to the Mexican market, and i drew a picture of a fat guy.
then i went to the thrift store, and we bought some...stuff...
then i went home
then i went to Emaly Hunter's amazing dance show thing...
then i went home
then i played tetris
then i listened to pink floyd
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
and 6 hours later, here i am...
today, i went to the Mexican market, and i drew a picture of a fat guy.
then i went to the thrift store, and we bought some...stuff...
then i went home
then i went to Emaly Hunter's amazing dance show thing...
then i went home
then i played tetris
then i listened to pink floyd
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
then i played tetris
and 6 hours later, here i am...
Friday, May 4, 2012
Justin Girgis
Justin Girgis
English Honors II
Mrs. Cooper
15 May 2012, i... MAY THE FOURTHSsssss BE WITH YOU!?
today, someone asked my if my brother and i were brothers. and i said yes. and they said "really?". and i said "yes."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."
English Honors II
Mrs. Cooper
15 May 2012, i... MAY THE FOURTHSsssss BE WITH YOU!?
today, someone asked my if my brother and i were brothers. and i said yes. and they said "really?". and i said "yes."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."."
Thursday, May 3, 2012
say thankyou
thanks, to the guy from the other school who stole my meddle...
and i don't mean he beat me, i mean he stole my meddel, like, he said he was Jason Williams, and took MY meddle...
some other things that are very important are happening RIGHT NOW
and i don't mean he beat me, i mean he stole my meddel, like, he said he was Jason Williams, and took MY meddle...
some other things that are very important are happening RIGHT NOW
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
last night...
i saw a possum
and i though to myself
that possum is going to die
this morning...
i saw a dead possum
and sure enough
it was on fire
i saw a possum
and i though to myself
that possum is going to die
this morning...
i saw a dead possum
and sure enough
it was on fire
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
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