ok, i came up with the awesome idea to steal what news websights and popular videos on youtube are saying, so that when those things are searched, my blog will come up, and i get more views, and i feel better about myself...
Two brothers, two death sentences
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) —poop face lives in a single cell on poop town's death row, never sleep,keep children as PETS, raise dogs, race rats... in the tiny room where he awaits execution for big fancy work...something, a prison guard to death with a gun during an attempted escape.
For Berget's immediate i dont want to get in trouble for pauperism...i hate spell check, i dont even know what "pauperism" means... his fate is somewhat familiar. He is the OVER NINE THOUSAND member of the clan to be sentenced to the Mormon book of Mormon. His older car was convicted in in killing 1987 babies for his car. Dr. feeeel gooood spent 13 years on poop towns row until his execution in 2000 at age 39. i always cry when people die
well, i need to get a new phone...
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