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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

welcome back my friends!

welcome back my friends, ladies and gentlemen!

Sorry i took a little break there, but i was very busy being in a coma. Anyways, here is how my life has been since I've been gone:
Today, a kid in my game development class stated that there is exactly 1 billion people living in the United States of America, and exactly 100 billion on Earth.
YESTERDAY, in Game development, i.. actually i would rather not say, its a bit much, even for the internet...
Two days ago! someone in my math class came in high, and so my teacher thought it would be funny to give him vinegar.
THREE days ago! i went to the bank, and the nice bank people, not only forced me to open a new saving account and checking account if i wanted to deposit money before my parents died, but they also ran out of candy.
two days ago... i went shopping for clothes.
THREE days ago, i went shopping for clothes.
FOure days ago, i went to Disneyland and tourists thought that i was a character working for the park, because i had blond hair and blue eyes. they also made me take a picture WITH their kids. not of their kids, but i stood next to their kids, while they took a picture of us. they also made me sign it.

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