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Tuesday, July 3, 2012


go back and read the previous part if you have not already done so

[First Man:] I think, I think I am, therefore I am, I think.

[Establishment:] Of course you are my bright little star,
I've miles
And miles
Of files
Pretty files of your forefather's fruit
And now to suit our
Great computer,
You're magnetic ink.

[First Man:] I'm more than that, I know I am, at least, I think I must be.

[Inner Man:] There you go man, keep as cool as you can.
Face piles
And piles
Of trials
With smiles.
It riles them to believe
That you perceive
The web they weave
And keep on thinking free.

i couldn't think of anything... except...
it was marvelous.
if i was not being chased by a computer, i would have stopped in awe.
it was amazing, not only because it was my first time going through an ad, but also because there was so much happening at once, and i was witnessing so much all at once. i cannot describe what i felt, except that it was almost like falling. it was, again marvelous, but also sickening.
i loved the feeling, but at a point, there was too much.
i was being twisted into data and who knows what else. 

it feels like AAAHHHH
i can no longer move, but yet im still running, but it feels as though im falling....
i have no clue where i am, or how i got there, but now i hate it.
 all i can see it the red and white ad... SEE THE SHOW! SEE THE SHOW!
over and over, for what feels like hours now... but in reality, its been seconds... but im not even in.... 
i kept flying down to who knows where, with no control of anything, not even my own movements...
...just keep running, dont let the computer catch you... whatever you do... dont let her catch you...

i just kept looking forward... look forward, never back, and dont close your eyes... dont ever close your eyes...

i just kept falling, being twisted into  all sorts of shapes people should never be twisted into... 
i just kept falling
i just kept falling...

i couldn't take it anymore, i had to do something...
i looked back, only to find there was nothing, not even the red and white ads... just, nothing.
i looked back forward, only to be face to face with the computer. i let out a scream and shut my eyes. 

when i opened my eyes, i found myself somewhere like which i have never seen before. after living in the simulation for just  a short while you see everything very quickly. its rare that you ever leave the facility, the world outside of testing is only viewed through screens in the food hall, and even then...
so to find yourself somewhere entirely new is very rare, even talking to others who go through ads, they say they find find themselves waking up in their cell. 
i stood up and began to look around. everything was dark and gray, but i could still see everything clearly. it looked as though i was in some sort of city, like in an alleyway. i looked around some more and found broken neon lights and old cigarette cases. it was a little hard to breath, the air felt dirty and stale... in fact, the whole place felt dirty, not just because there was trash everywhere, but it just had a weird feeling to it... like bad things happen there. i searched around some more, and noticed a poster similar to the holographic ad i went through, the only difference was that it was obviously larger, and it had a picture of a man in front of the white letters. the man had very white skin, blond hair, blue eyes, and a very large top hat, and he was wearing a red and white suit... i cant remember someone wearing anything other than the standard jumpsuit in the simulation. the only other time i saw anyone wearing anything else was when i just saw the computer, she was wearing a black suit. other than those two, i have never seen anyone, not even in ads wearing anything other than the jump suit... strange... 
i wandered around some more until i found a faint glowing light... a very faint light... it was weird because i didnt see it until it was right in front of me, then all of a sudden there was a light in front of my face... i just stopped and stared, i wondered where the heck this blue light could be coming from. i was about to turn and walk away from it, when it started to move. i turned back towards it, and it started to move towards the end of the street, and i decided i had nothing else to do here, so i followed. it started to go faster, fast enough to where i had to run to keep up with it. it would occasionally turn corners too fast and i would lose track of it, but then it would just appear in front of my face again and i would continue to follow. the light eventually brought me to what appeared to be, or was once, a giant casino. it was very worn, it was falling apart, bored  up, and surrounded by broken glass. i stopped, the building was so different from all the others. everything else was a dull black and gray, well i guess so was this one, but it just stuck out... maybe it was a different shade of gray... anyways there was something that separated it from the others. i just stood and stared, the light beside me. i assumed this is what it was leading me to, but it just stopped, i had no clue if it wanted me to go in, or spin in circles or anything... so i just stood. 
the light then started to rise up, and grow bigger. i watched, as it grew, and grew.... until it just stopped...
it grew, but it was not any brighter, and now it was just hovering there, still. not moving, not growing. i watched it do absolutely nothing for several minutes, until it just exploded, and shot into the building, which then exploded with colour, and lit up magnificently. the old neon lights busted with colour and shot out a shower of sparks. the building was now alive and bright, it illuminated the whole block and the building turned red and white instead of the dull gray and black. I ended up having to shield my eyes because of how bright it looked. after a few minutes, when my eyes adjusted, i... i just stared, awestruck. i was amazed to how a building as massive as this, could go from being black, to bursting with colour in a matter of seconds. i then began to feel drawn to the building... i had to go inside... i had to see what it was like on the inside...
on my way up to the door, i noticed a poster ad...

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